Monday, August 22, 2011

Thank god its Friday !!!

So starts a new day, its Friday and the Sun is shining….
We have this girl at work…. She thinks that she is the Kate Middleton on the Call Center, you know the type, Tall skinny, perfect hair, perfect everything, well for the past couple of days she has been complaining about her yaya( grandmother)took her jacket the other day and she was complaining ( and she made sure EVERYONE knew about it) that she HAD to wear her Dad’s leather bomber style jacket that was 3 sizes too big. Well 4 days have passed now and she is STILL wearing the jacket, are you really telling me that you don’t have ANOTHER jacket, come on Princess
As I look around the Call Center to see what’s going on I am hearing story’s from last night’s big night out at one of the local nightclubs….The Mirage, OMG that place is still cool? That was my stomping grounds back when I was WAY younger. People passing out, getting kicked out, WHAT… REALLY…I DID NOT JUST HEAR THAT?????? “I met a girl and we were making out, and all of a sudden I puked in her mouth! What are these kids thinking these days, and the kicker is that thye just cleaned out their motuhs
I like to shop when I am in the mood, actually better yet when I have cash…. So the best time for me is PAYDAY!!!! Today while gallivanting around the wonderful stores near my work I wanted to walk around and enjoy my time away from the office. Well never ever go shopping with a gay man who doesn’t like to shop. This crab master totes me around like a tornado. I have never seen anyone go into a store and out with in the same minute. Drives me nuts, all I wanted to do was look for something for lunch or possibly a new nail polish color to put in to my collection… but nooooo, we have to hurry back to the office and sit there like lumps on a log because its soooo busy, so i decide that its time to sneak out again, but this time I go and have me time where i have no one rushing me through the shops.... Aww finally peace and quite, next thing I know its 3:10 and i an done work in 20 miniutes, how do I sneak back in with out anyone seeing me.... done through the back door.
I get home finally and my wonderful amazing husband suprprises me with flowers, why? just becasue I am who I am.

I get home finally and my wonderful amazing husband suprprises me with flowers, why? just becasue I am who I am.

I am so lucky to have such a wonderful man in my life!!!!

As the night continues the grass gets cut, house gets cleaned and its tuning in to a boring night, As Danny is cleaning pool getting it nice and clean for tomorrow's BBQ (my Dads Birthday!!) the under water vaccum breaks, Ryan tells Danny to stay in the pool and he will be back in half and hour.  He continues to stay in the pool for a while and we find out that appareently summer time is over and all summer stuff had been put away and it was back to school crap.... oh i don't miss those days
I know i will have more to share tomorrow but as for tonight its time to say good night

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