Monday, September 26, 2011

Surprise its Monday

Who can say they enjoy Monday's... I know I can't!!! Its always the same thing at work, you talk to the people you don't necessarily want to, being nice, "how was your weekend?"  Honestly people i really don't care, if I wanted to know then I probably would have called you, facebooked you, texted you, whatever form of communication i wanted to you, I would not have waited until Monday morning.  AND please stop talking to me before i have my morning coffee. Today brought a little bit of a surprise to me.  I got called into the mangers office. I remember being a teenager and being called to the principles office and you get that same feeling, a gut wrench, a feeling like you have to run to the bathroom, the quick scan of the brain... oh god what have I done lately do be called in to the office for a CLOSED door meeting.???? Well it actually turns out that all my hard work these past couple of years hasn't slipped by and people actually noticed, I was offered a position with in the company, still being a supervisor, just not with the call center anymore.  I would be the supervisor of all the pharm techs in the company and work more closely with the pharmacy and the pharmacist himself.  I was told to think about it, but as long as they had my answer by the end of the day....  OMG what am I going to do?  Ok call Ryan and tell him everything, he says go for it. Then i get the  big smile from Shannon... she knows, but how i have only been out of  the office for less then 10 minutes and I haven't had a chance to tell her.  Well Sonia(a manager) talks very loud and needless to say she heard everything, we meet in the bathroom like an episode of Big Brother, secretly wait until everyone leaves and we whisper and quietly as we can, I tell her everything( as I always do) and she tells me her concerns, I think more, ask more questions about the job.  Time is ticking and i can tell they are waiting for my answer.  Thinking to myself , its always better to discuss work on an full stomach, i go to lunch, walk around for a bit, then I meet with Sonia and let her know that I am going to accept the new position, which i find out starts on Monday....WHAT, so soon.  Man its going to weird telling everyone at work that an leaving the call center, but SEE YA SUCKERS, done with your drama, and on to more.  I am sure i will have more interesting stories... hopefully and if not i will visit the call center and hear the stories of the young ones just to make me laugh again.

Shannon, thank you for being a bestie, you always know whats best and when I am ever in doubt you always pull through, there are days at work that I know I could never survive with out you .  You have a heart of gold, a personality of a bitch and a sense of a mean girl and I love you for every piece of it.  You truly are a great friend, and I thank myself for allowing you in to my life...( and you allowing me in to yours).
Ryan and I at Shannon and Ken's Wedding!!

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