Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Opening Peoples Eyes Part 2

After waiting several weeks as I am
sure you know what its like to get into a specialist, we got the call and our
first appointment, but of course before we meet go and have these entire tests
done again. As time went by our first appointment with Dr Yuzpe (after googling
his name it turns out he is the co-founder of the clinic, and one of the best
at what he does North America) is finally here. The questions start again but
this time we get different answers then what we were expecting. He started to
ask the usual question "why are you here" knowing that I was fine and clear we explained that Dr Pederson said that they problem lies with Ryan
and his sperm. He asked me how long I was on Clomid, 13 months I
answered, I could tell by the look on his face that something was wrong. He
explained to me that the maximum that I should have been on Clomid was 6
months, and what happens to your uterus if you are on it to long was best described
by his exact words.... It dries your uterus like sand in the desert, to dry for
eggs to catch to the lining and for a pregnancy to take place. So now the first
step to correct this is hormone pills to bring everything back to normal. He
then looks at Ryan and says your sperm count is so high that you can probably
get at least a dozen of my patients pregnant. At this point we are both in
shock, good and bad. Dr Yuzpe said that with the way everything is he sees us
pregnant by Christmas (this meeting was in March 2006) so we are so excited as this
would be the greatest Christmas gift ever. We left that meeting with huge
smiles on our face, especially Ryan, knowing that he is good and it
wasn't his fault. There had been a huge brick lifted off both of our
shoulders that we were excited to get the show on the road and have a baby.
Ok so your next round of medications involves injections I
was told.... What I have to stick a needle in me daily, oh crap how am I going
to do this I kept thinking to myself. Ryan and I go for our orientation on how,
when and where, to inject. So I was put on a fertility cycle called Super
Ovulation and needed to start taking Puregon and what this is going to do is
mass produce eggs and allow me to ovulate, and then at that time they will
inseminate Ryan?s sperm directly in to my egg and bingo bango I should be
pregnant. After daily injection for a week and a half, I had to go for blood
work every 3 days to make sure my hormones levels are good and not off the
chart, oh and not to mention the day after each blood test, I need to go in for
an internal ultrasound to make sure that I am not MASS producing eggs as the
last thing we want is another octomom. Things start looking good and my ovaries
are described as chocolate chip cookies, wonderful with plenty of eggs (they
are at a size 12 and they need to be an 18 to be fertilized). I go back 3
days later to check on them again with another internal ultrasound.
Things are looking good still and I am told to go home and wait for my results
from my blood work that done in the morning to see what the next step is.
Waiting patiently all day and the call comes in, Sherri your hormones levels
have dropped which means your eggs are done growing so we have to cancel the
rest of the cycle. I remember hanging up the phone and breaking into tears
thinking to myself how can this be, everything was good 3 days ago, and I have
to show for all that except a band of bruises along my stomach from my
injections and bruises along my arms like a junkie from my blood work. I
had to gather my thought and think about how I was going to break the news to
Ryan. So I called Ryan at work and the second he answered the phone
he knew something was wrong, I broke down again crying and explained to him
what the nurse had just told me, and there was a chock in his throat and asked
me if I was Ok. I told him no, and I was on my way to Langley to see him. After talking about
it for a bit we decided that we would make another appointment to see Dr, Yuzpe
and see what our next step was.

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