Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Who's your Mama.... NOT ME!!!!

Are you freaking kidding me, I just don't know where to start. I have been feeling lately that I live with Lazy and Lazier. Once again I will say ( I feel like a broken record sometimes) I love Ryan with all my heart and I couldn't imagine my life without him. He is my everything! And then there's Danny, I am NoT your wife, I am NOT you mom, I am NoT you maid, I am not your Bitch!!!...... BUT..... Come on now. I work a full 80 hours a week, attend Boot Camp 4 days a week, and trying to manage a household of adults!!-- I get up at 430am, for class at 530am, then working a full shift (7-330), come home, run a load of laundry( my gross, stinky workout gear), put the dishes away from the previous night, gather the dirty dishes from the living room, throw away the empty pop cans, the boys come home, have a smoke, start dinner,wash the dishes I just put in the sink, finish cooking dinner, eat, sit for a bit, shower, and off to bed, so I can start my day all over again. According to "some people" cause I don't have a "physical" job I should be as tired as someone who does. You know what I have to say.... Give me a fucking break!!!! Some time using you brain is more tiring then your muscles.

All I ask is for a little help. Hey put the clean dishes away after dinner when you come home, So I don't have to do it when I come home tomorrow ,instead of turning the TV on, or shutting off the radio that I was so kindly listening to, why don't you try to offer a little help with dinner, take out the over flowing garbage bag, empty you lunch bag, so that when I come home from work I am not left to wash you unrinsed dishes that have been sitting now for over 24 hours!!!.

I don't want to hear how slow you were at work that all you did was watch movies, surf the net, and even sometimes have a nap!. All I want is a little help around the house.  Why don't I say something???? Cause when I do, it starts a fight, and I am left crying, upset and hurt even more. I don't want to have to compete with a blackberry or the god damn laptop, all I ask is for a little help you are my husband and brother in law, I
am your wife and sister in law.

WOW i just reread my blog and i went off... it was never my intention to bitch that much, but i feel a bit better being able to get this off my chest.  I do love my husband with all my heart, he is my everything and we have shared so much together that i couldn't imagine my life without him. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank god for bringing Ryan into my life, he truly is an amazing person and I have never been happier, I know it didn't sound like it earlier buy if you saw us together you would know that we love each other more then life itself!

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